prayers over my husband

Wisdom, Discernment & Discretion

In order to truly understand wisdom, discernment & discretion, we have to read, study, and meditate on scripture to gain a deeper understanding of God’s perspective on these virtues.  Colossians 1:9-10 says “For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy …

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What’s Your Love Language?

Do you know what language you speak when it comes to the language of love? What about your spouse? Do they know and do you know what love language they speak? Join husband and wife team Ronnie and Corain as they both discover each other’s love language.  When you’re ready, take the quiz and discover your own! 

Declarations Over Your Year

Welcome to a New Year! With every new year comes a new burst of energy to kick off a new 12 months in our lives. What we should never miss, take for granted or forget, is the power of our words and declaring words over our lives. I encourage you to not only repeat these in faith, but to make your own daily, weekly, monthly and annual declarations to keep you focused and steadfast. God bless you!

Taking Care of You

Self-Care is so very important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle both physically and spiritually. Taking time to care for yourself, replenishing and renewing your mind, body & soul is absolutely necessary in our lives as wives, husbands, moms, dads, friends, employees & more. If we’re not well-rested with special designated times for our mental well being, we may find ourselves living ineffective, stressful lives. In this episode, we discuss the importance of self-care and ways to set time apart. Be …

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Remember Who You Are

It’s so important to remember who we are in Christ when faced with life’s difficulties and trials. As a child of the King, we have access to promises, blessings, special knowledge and more, but all of it can remain untapped if we don’t know who we are or what belongs to us. In todays message, we are reminded of who we are!

Goal Setting

It’s very important that we incorporate goal setting into our intentional everyday life. When you’re setting goals for yourself, be sure to make SMART goals to give you the best chance of accomplishing those goals. Also, as with everything we do (or should be do) in life, be sure to ask God to help you identify what goals you should be targeting during this season in your life.

Gender Roles In A Marriage

Season 3: Episode 1 Gender roles is a term that has been used over the years to essentially define who is expected to do what in a relationship. As seasons have changed and times have shifted, what is expected of a husband and wife has changed along with it.  Join us as we discuss this and more as we kick off Season 3 of The Praying Wife!

Episode 4: Prayers Over My Husband

The Praying Wife

It is important that we intercede on behalf of our husbands, keeping them ever the more in our prayers to the Father. In this episode we go to the throne room of the most high and we pray for our spouses coupled with decrees and declarations over his life.  I invite you now to either find a quiet place or to just quiet your spirit as we go before the throne of grace. And even now I stand in agreement …

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