Step Out On The Water

Matthew 14:22-33

The story of Peter walking out on the water to meet Jesus amazes me every time I read it. The mystery of it all, the faith that it took, the fear that overtook Peter once he realized what was happening and how probably that one moment solidified the disciples realization that He truly was the Son of God. So much happened within those 10 verses that a new revelation could be found every time the story is retold.

Walking on water is no small feat. So much so that it has not been done in the history of man ever since that time. It would appear as though the limitations that we perceive in life based on what we can see with our own eyes and also based on what science & physics tells us, has formed our definition of possibilities and therefore one could argue that we wouldn’t even attempt to do such a thing. While this logic keeps us from doing things such as jumping off a building in faith and hopes that we are magically caught in midair, it does present the hindrance of keeping us from making moves within our own lives.

For many of us, there are so many dreams wrapped up within us; so many unwritten books, unsung songs, unmade movies and the list goes on. We’ve all been destined with a purpose and special gifts. Our unique abilities puts us in a position to make a remarkable impact on the world, but our lack of faith in both God and ourselves keeps us from doing the very things we were created to do.

As the disciples panicked because of the storm that was raging, Jesus spoke to them and said, “Do not be afraid. Take courage, I am here.” As I read that verse, the Holy Spirit brought to my mind all the things that I have envisioned of doing in the past that I let fall to the wayside, out of fear, doubt or past failure. And I heard him say those very words to me: Do not be afraid, take courage, I am here.

Peter’s direct response to Jesus echoes how many of us sometimes respond to God’s voice: God, if this is truly you, tell me and I’ll come; tell me and I’ll do it. Many times, God responds in kind the same way: Yes, come; Yes, do it. For some of us, we allow fear to hinder us from even taking that first step but for others, we may begin to hearken to that call and as long as we keep our eyes on Him we begin to make moves. BUT we all know how this story ends up, and it mirrors so many times what happens in our lives: we begin to look at our situation, we start listening to the naysayers, we see the lack of finances, we get to a bump in the road and all of a sudden we start to lose faith, hope and we begin to sink, eventually just giving up on our hopes and dreams altogether or placing them on the back-burner.

I believe that God is, especially in this time of lock-down, once again reaching out His hands and calling us to step out onto the water. He is telling us to come and to not be afraid and to trust in HIM. We all are burdened with a destiny that awaits our actions! I encourage you today to reignite the fire and passion you once had for your dreams, that idea you had that could change your life forever. Step out onto the water with faith and watch God blow your mind and do the seemingly impossible! Do not be afraid. Take courage, He is here!

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